Thursday, February 28, 2008

Finally--an Update!!

So...I noticed that it has been since October that I've updated so it is about time!

All is well on the home front. Tyler is getting bigger and stronger by the day (although I do believe that the "terrible twos" have hit a couple months early!) He is very dramatic when he doesn't get his way, and I can't help but laugh as he throws himself on the floor and pretends to cry--he still hasn't actually figured out how to fake the tears yet, but he closes his eyes tight and howls! (Often he will sneak a peek to just see if anyone is paying attention.) He is really not my baby anymore, he runs and climbs and really tries to keep up with his brother JJ. During the day when JJ is at school is when I really get my quality time with him, and I cherish these moments. Tyler is still having trouble learning to talk, so he's been receiving speech therapy on a weekly basis. He mostly grunts and points at what he wants, other than that he will jabber to himself all day long. It's only been a couple months, but he's already learning new words, thanks to a great speech therapist. He loves to sing all the time (he gets the tune right--none of the words though!) and dance. He loves to play any kind of ball, and he doesn't understand why he can't join JJ on the soccer field or while playing baseball. He's very adventurous, when we go exploring in the woods behind our house, little Tyler is at the front of the line, climbing over fallen trees and negotiating around briars--it is amazing to watch. Even though he is such a young child, he really has such an appreciation for the world around him. Often I'll watch him close his eyes and when he feels the wind or a rain drop on his cheek just to concentrate on what’s going on. He loves to read books and puzzles (he will 'create' puzzles too, taking apart and putting things back together again) and I plan to enroll him in a preschool program in the fall. I think he will really enjoy that. When ever he has a chance to go to the nursery on Sundays at church or at the gym, he runs straight to the door and tries to push his way inside! But most of all, he absolutely worships his big brother, he says "yay-yay" for JJ. His favorite part of the day is when JJ walks in the door after school, Tyler goes berserk!

And as for JJ, he is doing really well in Kindergarten. He's been reading small books and he can read so many words I am really amazed. He is a really smart little boy with a ton of energy, which sometimes proved to be the perfect storm for getting into mischief! He is really a very good kid, but he does have to move his clip (that is the discipline system in his classroom) quite often. For example, one day he had on brand new hiking boots and he was wondering if they'd be able to help him "rock climb" the cinder block wall at school. Another time they were having math time and memorizing their phone numbers. Well JJ already knew his phone number so he decided that a wrestling contest with the other little boys at his table would be a better idea...but he's learning! He is a great little athlete, which is one place that all his extra energy comes in handy. He's really good at soccer (his personal record was 12 goals in one game) and this spring will be his first season playing t-ball, his team is named the Sun Devils (after the ASU team). He also enjoys music (like Tyler) and really wants to learn to play the violin, so we are looking to find his a place to take lessons nearby. But his true passion is cars. He took a snowboarding trip with Dad two weeks ago and he did really well on the slopes, but his favorite part of the trip happened at the rental car counter. He was requesting a Dodge Charger--(remember he is a 6 yr old, going on 26!) but was satisfied with a Pontiac Grand Prix, apparently it had sufficient horse power for him. He always wants to know about cars; unfortunately I am not the best source of that information like horsepower, top speed, and who would win in a race between ____ and ____. (I usually just say it's whoever has the best driver!) He's even gotten good at recognizing cars by their headlights or taillights at night and he laughs when I guess the wrong make and model! When he was about 3 1/2 one night he was entertaining people at church by telling them what kind of car they drove by examining the logos on their keys--I guess it is a special talent?!

As for Bart and me, nothing new is going on here. I am still in law school at Georgia State. Those of you realizing that law school is normally a three year program can do the math and see that I should have graduated last spring--but I’m behind because I took a year off after Tyler was born so that I could focus directly on him during his heart surgeries, and while he needed such critical care in that first year. Now that he is much more stable, I felt like I could go back this fall and I am taking evening classes on a part-time basis. I will take a heavier load this summer semester and in the fall so I can graduate December 2008. After that I will sit for the bar examine (YIKES!!!) in February 2009--I am already freaked out about that!